6.28.2024 FBUSD Staff Blog
- CONTACT your SITE ADMINISTRATOR with the DATE, TIME, and OFFICER you would like to invite
- WAIT for your SITE ADMINISTRATOR to confirm the request with either Chief Cervenka or Captain O'Neal
- ENJOY your visit!

FBDTA Master Agreement Article XVI 16.1:
Unit members shall be placed on the appropriate class of the salary schedule according to their degree and the number of semester units beyond their degree. Units beyond their degree shall be in accordance with Article XVIII, Section 18.2, 18.3, and 18.4, DCEC. 16.1.1 Any unit member with ten (10) years of service in the District and 105 units (Range G) will be placed or remain on Range H in any given year by providing evidence by August 15th of completing at least three units acceptable for salary credit (see Article 18) in the prior year. Anyone not qualifying in a subsequent year will revert to Column G.
Employee Contracts are issued before the first service duty day (August 8, 2024). Please ensure all personal information listed is correct. Please notify Human Resources of any credentialing or name changes. The FBUSD Employee Portal is a great way to keep your contact information current. It is on the FBUSD website, employee resources, and then the Employee portal.
For NEW certificated employees, please notify HR of ALL prior school district employment for sick leave transfers and experience verification. This does affect your salary placement. Please check your sick leave and credits post BA for accuracy.
Once registered, please check the information entered on the My Information tab.
This portal lets you update your employee information and view recent pay stubs, reimbursements, W-2s, benefits info, leave balances, etc. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Human Resources staff.
- July 24 - Board Workshop
- August 1 - School Site Offices OPEN
- August 8 & 9 - Teacher Duty Days
- August 9 - FBHS Back to School Fair and Photos
- August 12 & 13 - Teacher Duty Days
- August 13 - Classified Staff - NEW EMPLOYEES Meeting
- Absence Request/Verification Form (Sub line 707-962-7368)
- Air Quality Information in Fort Bragg
- CA Dept of Public Health Guidance for K-12 Schools
- FBUSD Employee Handbook
- FBUSD Employee Payroll Portal
- FBUSD Salary Schedules
- MCOE Air Quality Guidelines for Schools
- Bilingual Family Liaison Referral Form
- Submit an IT Help Ticket
- Submit a Maintenance Department Ticket
- FBUSD Employee Resource webpage
- DCEC Folder
- DCEC Book List
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