Students presenting at the Board meeting on 2/8/24.
New Counseling Resource for Families and Students
Brightlife Kids is a free service for Parents and Students to get support with Mental and Behavioral Health. Parents can get coaching and be able to attend sessions with their students who are under 12 years of age. The service is provided virtually and in multiple languages. Check it out at
For students 13 and older, the same services are offered through a service called Soluna. It can be accessed at
FBUSD Apparel Ordering
Attention Staff Members - Would you like an embroidered clothing item, hat or backpack with our FBUSD logo? Please check out the link below. We are doing a team order due by February 19th at Midnight Central Time. They will be delivered mid March to your site. Please follow the link and if you have any questions please email Kathy

The Mendocino County Office of Education invites you and your colleagues to participate in a series of three Spring CS+ Orientation workshops to explore ways to integrate Computer Science into your K-12 classroom.
Orientation Workshop | Dates and Time | Sign Up Link |
CS+ Unplugged | February 28th from 4:00pm - 5:30pm | Register HERE |
Activate background knowledge and develop a shared understanding of computer science education and K-12 standards Experience Unplugged computer science using content and activities from CS Unplugged Explore CS Unplugged activities and create a plan to try them out with your students
CS+ Plugged Activities | March 13th from 4:00pm - 5:30pm | Register HERE |
Experience real-life scenarios relating to CS concepts: Algorithms and Programming Connect activities to California's CS standards and a K-2 to 9-12 standard progression Explore CS web-based activities and consider effective strategies to transition from unplugged to plugged activities
CS+ Artificial Intelligence | March 27th from 4:00pm to 5:30pm | Register HERE |
Activate background knowledge and develop a shared understanding of teaching about and with Artificial Intelligence Experience Artificial Intelligence activities that connect to California's CS standards Explore AI web-based resources to teach about and with AI and create a plan to try them out with your students
These workshops are open to any/all California educators free of charge. No prior experience with Computer Science is necessary!
This is also an exciting opportunity for California teachers to be compensated for engaging in Computer Science professional learning and is provided through Region 2’s work in the Computer Science Educator Workforce Investment Grant: Seasons of CS. Our synchronous learning sessions are coupled with 90 minutes of asynchronous activity to be completed independently. Teachers completing both components will be compensated $125.
You must register for each workshop individually by clicking on the associated registration links. Kindly be aware there is a limited capacity for each workshop, and seats fill up rapidly. We strongly encourage early registration.
Please contact Rebecca Bailey at or Mindy Keegan at if you have any questions.

Harvest of the Month
Take your students on a virtual field trip to
Wavelength Farms
in Manchester to learn about this culinary staple!
Here is a link to a short video you can show your students:
OK, I know it's a stretch, but I also know how creative and awesome you all can be!
If you would like some Garlic to do Taste Test activities with your students please email me and I'll purchase ingredients for you!
Maybe Garlic Hummus or Roasted Garlic Spread (recipes in the materials below). -Pilar
Here are links to information and recipes:
Thank you for supporting
Nutrition Education and Local Agriculture!

EL/ELL Newcomer Tips from Tina Krenov, District EL Coordinator
I continue to share ideas from Ellevation Strategies, because they are that good. Hopefully you have had or will have a moment to explore! This is a 1-page explanation of what activities are included in the PL Modules.
One of the latest modules is 'Building Sociocultural Competence'. Remember, you do get DCEC credits for completing Ellevation Modules--might be fun to collaborate with a colleague...
As one of the three pillars of dual language, sociocultural competence is crucial for building a learning environment that welcomes, supports, and provides a voice for multilingual learners from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. It works in collaboration with the other two pillars, bilingualism and biliteracy and high academic achievement in both languages, so that multilingual learners can leverage all their assets to engage more authentically in the classroom and in their communities.
As part of our annual budget development process, we need an understanding of the expected return of all FBUSD employees for the 2024-2025 school year. The annual Intent to Return notice was emailed with a link to a Google form on January 26, 2024. Your response was required by February 5, 2024.
Tax forms were mailed out recently by the Mendocino County Office of Education.
Receiving a 30-day Substitute Permit is easier than ever! Commission on Teacher Credentialing Emergency 30-Day Substitute Permit information can be found here.
Passage of SB 1397 has temporarily waived the Basic Skills Requirement from January 1, 2023, to July 1, 2024. As long as your permit remains active, this will apply. The Basic Skill Requirement still applies to other credentialing permits.
- February 15 Ethnic Studies Curriculum Committee Meeting
- February 15 LCAP Parent Meeting
- February 17 FFA 5K Run
- February 19-23 February Break
- February 26 LCAP Parent Meeting
- March 9 Board of Trustees Equity Workshop
- March 14 Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
- March 21 Board of Trustees Governance Workshop
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