Staff Blog 1.19.2024


Healthy Tips & Tricks


Melissa Taylor

Click the link below to find out about some awesome FREE Educator Professional Development opportunities offered through the Museum of Tolerance.

EL/ELL Newcomer Tips from Tina Krenov, District EL Coordinator

This week I am sharing some information and suggestions for working with Newcomers. We have so many, and I know it is hard. I'm working on a few solutions that I hope will come to fruition at some point. Meanwhile, I hope these resources can help! (Carol Salva, Newcomers and Beyond) (CBS News, Newcomers)

The annual seniority list was emailed with an attached seniority roster and link to a Google form. Please review your seniority status and approve or note the discrepancy on the Google form. Your response is required by February 1, 2024.

Absences must be registered and approved through the Leave of Absence Request System.
Instructions are: Go to
Go to Employee Resources upper right tab
Click on Absence Request Verification
Confirm your email address
Put in your name
Choose your department and supervisor
Choose your classification
Put in your leave time starting and ending. Make sure the am and pm are correct.
Complete the remainder of the required questions.
Submit. You will get a submission confirmation and response email
Your supervisor will approve or disapprove your request.
If you have questions, please contact Nirvana Andrade, Payroll & Benefits Technician.

Please be aware of the requirements and timelines if you are a teacher working under a permit. Most have specific timeframes that allow you to obtain college course credits. Once you get these credits, you should ask your college to request specific credential authorizations from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Authorizations are only valid once the Commission posts them to your credential. Some permits have specific requirements for renewals.

Provisional Internship Permit: One-time use, good for one school year only. Link.

Short-Term Staff Permit: One-time use is good for one school year only. Link.

Emergency Permit Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development and Bilingual Authorization Permits. (CLAD) English Learners.

Waivers: Link.

Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Link

Tax forms will be issued to employees in February. Please make sure we have your current physical and mailing address on file.

Receiving a 30-day Substitute Permit is easier than ever! Commission on Teacher Credentialing Emergency 30-Day Substitute Permit information can be found here.

Passage of SB 1397 has temporarily waived the Basic Skills Requirement from January 1, 2023, to July 1, 2024. As long as your permit remains active, this will apply. The Basic Skill Requirement still applies to other credentialing permits.

EL Notes from Tina

This week I am sharing some information and suggestions for working with Newcomers. We have so many, and I know it is hard. I'm working on a few solutions that I hope will come into fruition at some point. Meanwhile, I hope these resources can help!

  • January 20 Board of Trustees Equity Workshop
  • February 5 and 15 LCAP Parent and Community Input Meetings
  • February 8 Board of Trustees February Meeting
  • February 19-23 February Break


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