FBUSD Staff Blog 1.12.24

Our Alternative Education Student Leadership speaking at the Board Meeting 1/11/24


FBUSD Mission

FBUSD delivers exceptional, engaging, equitable, and collaborative learning opportunities for all students.

FBUSD Vision Every student receives engaging and challenging learning experiences to reach their greatest potential and thrive in a diverse global society.

The Governor has released the January Budget proposal. The intent to preserve as much school funding is clear. Please see below for additional information. 

Governor Newsom this morning released his state budget proposal for 2024-25, which anticipates a $38 billion deficit over the three-year budget period, an amount significantly less than the $68 billion deficit estimated by the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO). Cuts to schools are minimized by the assumption of a much smaller general fund budget deficit along with use of Proposition 98 reserves in both 2023-24 and 2024-25.

Here are some highlights of Newsom's proposal:

  • Anticipates Prop 98 guarantee for 2024-25 to be $109.1 billion
  • Includes an LCFF COLA of 0.76%
  • Reduces and/or delays general fund support for the School Facilities Program and the Preschool/TK/Full Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program


The K-12 and higher education portion of the Governor's budget proposal can be found here.

Classroom Innovation Grants

FBUSD is offering Classroom Innovation Grants for each classroom in the district. The grants will be up to $750 per classroom. It is acceptable to partner with other colleagues at the same site to pool funds if you would like. Please review the application found here for more information and to apply. Please apply before January 19.


Please be aware of requirements and timelines if you are a teacher working under a permit. Most have specific timeframes that allow you to obtain college course credits. Once you get these credits, you should ask your college to request specific credential authorizations from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Authorizations are only valid once the Commission posts them to your credential. Some permits have specific requirements for renewals.


Provisional Internship Permit: One-time use, good for one school year only. Link. https://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/leaflets/provisional-internship-permit-(cl-856)


Short-Term Staff Permit: One-time use is good for one school year only. Link. 



Emergency Permit Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development and Bilingual Authorization Permits. (CLAD) English Learners.

Link. https://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/leaflets/emergency-permits-(cl-533o-clad-bl)


Waivers: Link. https://www.ctc.ca.gov/docs/default-source/credentials/manuals-handbooks/waiverhandbook.pdf?sfvrsn=0


Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Link https://www.ctc.ca.gov/


Original transcripts with completed classes and DCEC applications can be submitted after July 1, 2024. For more information, please review the FBDTA Master Agreement Article XVIII or CSEA Master Agreement Article XX Professional Growth Program. Both Master Agreements can be found on the FBUSD website under resources. See the link provided. https://sites.google.com/fbusd.us/do-employee-resources


Please let the HR department know if you have any credentialing changes. The Commission on Teaching Credentialing does not have an automatic notification system. Your pay could be affected.

If you need assistance from Human Resources, please make an appointment to ensure we can help you.


Tax forms will be issued to employees in February. Please make sure we have your current physical and mailing address on file. 


Your employee portal is a great way to keep your information current. How to register:

Go to fbusd.us 

Click Employee Resources (upper right)

Click Employee Portal

Click Create New User (You must be logged into your FBUSD email account first)

Fill in the boxes and hit submit. 

Check your email for a verification code, and enter it in the portal.

 Once registered, please check the information entered on the My Information tab. 

The portal lets you update your employee information and view recent pay stubs, reimbursements, W-2s, benefits info, leave balances, and more. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the District Office staff. 


Receiving a 30-day Substitute Permit is easier than ever! Commission on Teacher Credentialing Emergency 30-Day Substitute Permit information can be found here. https://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/leaflets/30-Day-Substitute-Teaching-Permit-(CL-505p).


Passage of SB 1397 has temporarily waived the Basic Skills Requirement from January 1, 2023, to July 1, 2024. As long as your permit remains active, this will apply. The Basic Skill Requirement still applies to other credentialing permits. 

EL Notes from Tina

We are getting a lot of SLIFE  (Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education) English Learners. Ellevation has added a new module to help educators address their needs: Introduction to Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education. " Multilingual learners with limited or interrupted formal education face unique and challenging issues in and out of the academic environment. Their assets, such as resiliency and determination, are what help them achieve their goals. Uncover ways you can meet their social and emotional needs and prepare them for academic success."


Here is a link to Colorin Colorado's  Resource Gallery for Newcomers: https://www.colorincolorado.org/ell-newcomer-resources

And here is a link to an article about Long Term English Learners: https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/the-difficult-road-for-long-term-english-learners

A heads up: Summative ELPAC Begins the first week of February. Here's a link to information about Summative ELPAC: https://www.elpac.org/about/summative-elpac/
NUTRITIONAL Notes from Pilar

January’s Harvest of the Month is CHARD!
Take your students on a virtual field trip to Stanford Inn in Mendocino
to learn about chard!


988 Crisis and Suicide Lifeline Anyone can call or text 988 to be connected with a mental health counselor trained to support crisis intervention for substance abuse, suicide, or other mental health needs.
You can find out more about the Lifeline at this link.

  • January 15 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
  • January 16 Ethnic Studies Committee Meeting
  • January 20 Board of Trustees Equity Workshop
  • February 5 and 15 LCAP Parent and Community Input Meetings
  • February 8 Board of Trustees February Meeting


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