FBUSD Staff Blog 11.3.2023
FBHS Dia De Los Muertos Celebration
FBUSD Mission
FBUSD delivers exceptional, engaging, equitable,and collaborative learning opportunities for all students.
FBUSD Vision
Every student receives engaging and challenging learning experiences to reach their greatest potential and thrive in a diverse global society.
News, Notes & Reminders...
FBUSD Vision Every student receives engaging and challenging learning experiences to reach their greatest potential and thrive in a diverse global society.
News, Notes & Reminders...
Imagination Library Available to ALL Mendocino County Families!

Trauma Informed Training
Willits - Willits Center for the Arts
Friday ~ Jan. 19, 2024
Saturday ~ Jan. 20, 2024
Fort Bragg ~ FBHS Room 306
Friday ~ March 8, 2024
Saturday ~ March 9, 2024
- A big thank you to everyone for making the November 1 PD Day a success!
- The updated Employee Handbook can be found here.
- The updated Emergency Contact Form can be found here.
- Athletic Schedules for our student-athletes are available on the FBMS and FBHS websites.
- CDE Has created some posters to support Mental Health. Please see the links below.
Please ensure you have received credit for all your transcript and DCEC submissions. The deadline for salary advancement was October 15, 2023. If you have attained an advanced degree, please make sure you are receiving the salary increase. All degrees must be reflected on official transcripts accompanied by a conferral date. Please keep all credit update emails for your records. Credit updates state your submitted credits, total credits to date, salary advancement, a link to the FBUSD salary schedule location, and information on eligible transcript credits. Classified notices can be slightly different.
Staywell Benefit information is available on the FBUSD website. It is located on the employee resource page. You must have your FBUSD email open to access. https://sites.google.com/
Receiving a 30-day Substitute Permit is easier than ever! Do you know someone who would like to become a substitute teacher? Commission on Teacher Credentialing Emergency 30-Day Substitute Permit information can be found here. https://www.ctc.ca.gov/
The basic skills test requirement is being waived for a limited time.
Passage of SB 1397 has temporarily waived the Basic Skills Requirement from January 1, 2023, to July 1, 2024. Basic skills proficiency will once again be required for the initial issuance of the Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit after July 1, 2024. As long as your permit remains active, this will apply.
The Basic Skill Requirement still applies to other credentialing permits. Contact me if you need information or application assistance.
- 988 Crisis and Suicide Lifeline Anyone can call or text 988 to be connected with a mental health counselor trained to support crisis intervention for substance abuse, suicide, or other mental health needs. You can find out more about the Lifeline at this link.
- FBUSD Vacancies: All internal job postings can now be found on the FBUSD Employee Resource webpage. Click here to check out this resource.
- FBUSD Rental List can be found here.
- November 8 6:00 PM RFEP Celebration at Dana Gray
- November 9 6:00 PM FBUSD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
- November 10 No School – Veteran’s Day Holiday
- November 20-24 No School- Thanksgiving Break
- Absence Request/Verification Form (Sub line 707-962-7368)
- AQI in Fort Bragg
- CDPH Guidance for K-12 Schools
- FBUSD Employee Handbook
- FBUSD Employee Payroll Portal
- FBUSD Salary Schedules
- MCOE Air Quality Guidelines for Schools
- Bilingual Family Liaison referral form
- Submit an IT ticket
- Submit a ticket with the maintenance department
- FBUSD Employee Resource webpage
- DCEC folder
- DCEC Book List
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