FBUSD Staff Blog 10.20.23


FBUSD Mission

FBUSD delivers exceptional, engaging, equitable,
and collaborative learning opportunities for all students.

FBUSD Vision Every student receives engaging and challenging learning experiences to reach their greatest potential and thrive in a diverse global society.

News, Notes & Reminders...
Thank you to our staff from FBHS and Alternative Education for supporting the students who participated in the Mendocino College Coast College Day on Thursday. We had about 80 students take part in the event. 

The registration form for November 1 is available at the link below. Please read the form carefully as your selection affects the options you have available. Please reach out to Rene Hohls with any questions. 

Please complete the registration by October 25. Thank you!

FBUSD Bilingual Proficiency Assessment


Bilingual Proficiency Assessment is now available to current employees of FBUSD. An employee must pass the Bilingual Proficiency Assessment with eighty (80) percent or better to be considered "proficient." An employee may take the bilingual proficiency test one (1) time per year. Once an employee has passed the test they will not need to retest.

Classified employees who have passed the Bilingual Proficiency Assessment shall receive an annual stipend of $1,000.00 to be paid in equal installments with regular monthly payroll. Newly hired employees have four (4) weeks from the hire date to complete the Bilingual Proficiency Assessment.

To sign up for the Bilingual Proficiency Assessment, go to the link and complete the Request Form.

Fort Bragg Unified School District
Health & Wellness Council
We need your participation!
What is a Health & Wellness Council?

An action-oriented advisory group that focuses on the health and well-being of students,
staff, and families in a school community. The Council makes recommendations to the
School Board for the District Wellness Policy, assists in the implementation of the
policy, and leads other health-related initiatives. The Council ideally includes school
district employees, students, parents, school board members, & community members.

A Health & Wellness Council may also:

 Monitor and evaluate the implementation of district health and wellness policies

and programs.

 Advise the school board or district on community health issues
 Organize health-promoting programs or events in the district or community.

We will meet:

Last Tuesday of the Month, Every Other Month at 3:30 pm

November 28
January 30
March 26
May 28

Location to be determined.

To join our Council, please call or email Pilar at:
(707) 961-3521 or pgray@fbusd.us

MCOE is offering a series of Math professional learning sessions in Willits, Fort Bragg, and Ukiah this year. Below are the dates. The sessions with Sarah Kingston and Barb Blanke will explore fluency progressions, models, and strategies needed to build confident and efficient mathematicians at all levels.

Ukiah - MCOE River Room

Friday ~ Oct. 20, 2023

Saturday ~ Oct. 21, 2023

Willits - Willits Center for the Arts

Friday ~ Jan. 19, 2024

Saturday ~ Jan. 20, 2024

Fort Bragg ~ FBHS Room 306

Friday ~ March 8, 2024

Saturday ~ March 9, 2024

  • CDE Has created some posters to support Mental Health. Please see the links below.
Harvest of the Month 
Take your students on a virtual field trip to 
Boonville Barn Collective
to learn about peppers!
Here is a link to a short video you can show your students:

(I find it works best if you download the video ahead of time)
Here is the link to the Berries Educators' Newsletter & Curriculum: 

Thank you for supporting 
Nutrition Education and Local Agriculture!

If there is anything I can do to help you please let me know!

HR Notes from Suzie


Please let the HR department know if you have any credentialing changes. The Commission on Teaching Credentialing does not have an automatic notification system. It could affect your pay range.


Do you know someone who would like to become a substitute teacher? Commission on Teacher Credentialing Emergency 30-Day Substitute Permit information can be found here. https://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/leaflets/30-Day-Substitute-Teaching-Permit-(CL-505p) 


The basic skills test requirement is being waived for a limited time.


Passage of SB 1397 has temporarily waived the Basic Skills Requirement from January 1, 2023, to July 1, 2024. Basic skills proficiency will once again be required for the initial issuance of the Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit after July 1, 2024. As long as your permit remains active, this will apply. 


The Basic Skill Requirement still applies to credentialing permits. Contact me if you need information or application assistance.

EL Notes from Tina

Colorin Colorado has a wealth of resources for those of us who teach English Learners--which we all do!

Sesame Street!!! Sesame Workshop has fantastic resources for teaching children about everything from 'Language in Everyday Moments' to "Talking about Tough Topics'. Most videos are available in English and Spanish, and there is also a section just for Spanish speakers! So great!

  • 988 Crisis and Suicide Lifeline Anyone can call or text 988 to be connected with a mental health counselor trained to support crisis intervention for substance abuse, suicide, or other mental health needs. You can find out more about the Lifeline at this link.
  • FBUSD Vacancies:  All internal job postings can now be found on the FBUSD Employee Resource webpage.  Click here to check out this resource.
  • FBUSD Rental List can be found here.

  • October 21 9:00AM Board of Trustees – Equity Workshop
  • October 23-27 Homecoming Week at FBHS
  • November 1 Professional Development
  • October 23 4:00 PM FBUSD Board of Trustees Special Meeting
  • October 31 5:30 PM MCRPD Trunk or Treat event
  • November 1 FBUSD Professional Learning Day
  • November 9 6:00 PM FBUSD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
  • November 10 No School – Veteran’s Day Holiday


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