FBUSD Staff Blog 9.22.23

FBUSD Mission

FBUSD delivers exceptional, engaging, equitable,
and collaborative learning opportunities for all students.

FBUSD Vision Every student receives engaging and challenging learning experiences to reach their greatest potential and thrive in a diverse global society.

News, Notes & Reminders...

I hope you have all had a great week! If you have an opportunity to head that way, support our students at the Mendocino County Fair in Boonville this weekend. 

  • November 1st Professional Learning Day

    Are you interested in offering a session for your fellow educators at the November 1st PD Day?

    Do you have a great lesson hack, teaching tricks, classroom management approach, tech tool, or other successful strategies you use that you think your colleagues would be interested in?
    Did you learn something over the summer that you would like to share?
    Is there someone you would like to team up with and offer a learning session together?

    Consider submitting a proposal for a session at the upcoming November 1st PD day! Presenters may either submit a timesheet for prep and presentation time or request DCEC Unit hours.

    MCOE is offering a series of Math professional learning sessions in Willits, Fort Bragg, and Ukiah this year. Below are the dates. The sessions with Sarah Kingston and Barb Blanke from will explore fluency progressions, models, and strategies needed to build confident and efficient mathematicians at all levels.

    Ukiah - MCOE River Room

    Friday ~ Oct. 20, 2023

    Saturday ~ Oct. 21, 2023

    Willits - Willits Center for the Arts

    Friday ~ Jan. 19, 2024

    Saturday ~ Jan. 20, 2024

    Fort Bragg ~ FBHS Room 306

    Friday ~ March 8, 2024

    Saturday ~ March 9, 2024

  • Our Partners at Kudos are participating in the Clifton Strengths Training. They are finding out more about how they learn which leads to better support in their work with our students. The folks pictured below are coming in on Saturdays to complete this training. Please let them know how much we appreciate what they do for our students when you see them around campus. 

  • The updated Employee Handbook can be found here
  • The updated Emergency Contact Form can be found here
  • Athletic Schedules for our student-athletes are available on the FBMS and FBHS websites.  
  • It is Hispanic Heritage Month. Here is a list of great resources to use in your classrooms to celebrate our students, staff, and community who have this heritage as a part of their backgrounds. 
  • Our partners at Blue Zones have provided access to the Real Age Test for our employees and families. This test provides an age that correlates to healthy lifestyle choices. After taking the test, you will have access to resources to continue making healthy lifestyle choices. Please click here for a folder of resources regarding this opportunity. 
  • CDE Has created some posters to support Mental Health. Please see the links below.
HR Notes from Suzie

FBUSD information https://sites.google.com/fbusd.us/district/employment?authuser=0

FBUSD Job Descriptions

FBUSD Employee Benefits - Medical, Dental, Vision & Life Insurance

FBUSD Salary Schedules Certificated & Classified

FBUSD Substitute Teacher Salary

FBUSD Current Vacancies

Fort Bragg District Teacher Association (FBDTA) Master Agreement 7-1-23 to 6-30-24

California School Employees Association (CSEA) Master Agreement 2022-2025 


I will send an outstanding requirement list to site administrators soon, so please complete your annual Keenan requirements. 

Your username is always your first initial and last name, all lowercase.

There are some exceptions.

Go to:  https://fbusd-keenan.safeschools.com/login  

  • Put in your username 
  • Log in, then click the "Log Me In" (blue bar)
  • You will see all the mandatory training for your job class
  • Read the disclaimer
  • Accept 
  • Start Course
  • Follow through to the end and follow prompts for the additional subjects until you reach the quiz.
  • Take the quiz.
  • Proceed to your next assignment.

If you have questions, please contact me directly at sgibson@fbusd.us


Do you know someone who would like to become a substitute teacher? Commission on Teacher Credentialing Emergency 30-Day Substitute Permit information can be found here. https://www.ctc.ca.gov/credentials/leaflets/30-Day-Substitute-Teaching-Permit-(CL-505p) 


The basic skills test requirement is being waived for a limited time.

EL Notes from Tina

This week I am sharing links to Khan Academy--as you know, the website is no longer just Math but many other subject matters at all grade levels. Could be really useful with your Newcomers!

Khan Academy now has multilingual resources. They have a number of resources in multiple languages, along with a separate YouTube channel for videos in Spanish. The first link shows you how to switch languages on the Khan Academy website.
  • 988 Crisis and Suicide Lifeline Anyone can call or text 988 to be connected with a mental health counselor trained to support crisis intervention for substance abuse, suicide, or other mental health needs. You can find out more about the Lifeline at this link.
  • FBUSD Vacancies:  All internal job postings can now be found on the FBUSD Employee Resource webpage.  Click here to check out this resource.
  • FBUSD Rental List can be found here.

  • September 28 5:00PM FBHS Parent Night
  • 0October 4 National Walk, Bike to School Day
  • October 5 College and Career Apparel Day
  • October 7 9:00AM Board of Trustees – Special Meeting Workshop
  • October 12-13 October Break
  • October 19 6:00PM Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
  • October 21 9:00AM Board of Trustees – Equity Workshop


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