FBUSD Staff Blog 7.25.23
FBUSD Mission
FBUSD delivers exceptional, engaging, equitable,and collaborative learning opportunities for all students.
FBUSD Vision Every student receives engaging and challenging learning experiences to reach their greatest potential and thrive in a diverse global society.
News, Notes & Reminders...
- I had the distinct pleasure to attend the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support conference with nine educators from FBUSD. I appreciate the enthusiasm and dedication this group showed by engaging in professional learning during their summer. We will be meeting soon to discuss ways to share the learning with you throughout the coming school year. In the meantime, if you have questions about MTSS, feel free to reach out to any of the following:
- Redwood: Ksenia Kruglyanskaya and Jodie Schmid
- Dana Gray: Margaret Normoyle, Sarah Magee, Josue Manzano, and Elizabeth Blaney
- FBMS: Kirsten Hawk, Juanita Mee, and Cassandra Robbers
- We are busy planning for the start of the school year. Our preservice days will be full of great learning and opportunities to connect. You can view the tentative schedule by clicking here. Please note, the schedule will be updated over the next few days.
- Did you know we have a telehealth benefit as a part of our insurance plan? This is particularly helpful if you need to see a specialist or have dependents attending college out of the area. Click the image for the subscriber (employee) or dependent below for more information.
Please let the HR department know if you have any credentialing changes. The Commission on Teaching Credentialing does not have an automatic notification system. It could affect your pay range.
Transcripts are often sent with prior last names. Please ensure we know that your transcripts are being submitted under a prior previous name. We currently have an unclaimed transcript.
Contracts are issued two weeks before the first service duty days. Please make sure that your information is current with the District Office.
New certificated employees, please make sure I know of all prior school district employment for sick leave transfers. Please check your sick leave and credits post BA for accuracy.
DCEC FBDTA Master Agreement Article XVII 18.5 The petitioner shall submit the DCEC form to the Human Resources Department by October 15th. The DCEC committee will meet annually between October 16th and October 26th to review applications. The committee will accept or decline each application. The DCEC Chair will notify the Human Resources Department of the committee decisions before October 31st. The Human Resources Department will notify the petitioner (s) of the committee decision five (5) days of receipt. If advancement on the Salary Schedule is approved, the unit members shall receive retroactive payment at the new rate, and the new rate shall begin with the December paycheck for that year. Note: See article 16.1.1 regarding maintaining placement on Column H of the salary schedule”
Salary Schedule and Column H. FBDTA Master Agreement Article XVI 16.1 Unit members shall be placed on the appropriate class of the salary schedule (Exhibit C) according to their degree and the number of semester units beyond their degree. Units beyond their degree shall be in accordance with Article XVIII, Section 18.2, 18.3, and 18.4, DCEC. 16.1.1 Any unit member with ten (10) years of service in the District and 105 units (Range G) will be placed on Range H in any given year by providing evidence by August 15th of completing at least three units acceptable for salary credit (see Article 18) in the prior year. Anyone not qualifying in a subsequent year will revert to Column G.
Please check out our shared employee rental listings. If you happen to have a rental, please feel free to post. https://docs.google.com/
document/d/ 1wPuGya6v8HBzle29MzfaXWx0Q- ispUPUv8pjyA2vL9c/edit
- 988 Crisis and Suicide Lifeline has gone active nationwide. Anyone can call or text 988 to be connected with a mental health counselor trained to support crisis intervention for substance abuse, suicide, or other mental health needs. You can find out more about the Lifeline at this link.
- FBUSD Vacancies: All internal job postings can now be found on the FBUSD Employee Resource webpage. Click here to check out this resource.
- FBUSD Rental List can be found here.
- August 7- New Special Education Teacher Meeting
- August 8- New Teacher Orientation
- August 9- First Preservice Day for Teachers
- August 10- All Staff Meeting and Lunch
- August 10- New Teacher Board Reception
- August 10- FBUSD Board of Trustees August Meeting
- August 11- FBI Active Shooter Training for Admin
- August 15- First Day of 2023-2024 for Students
- Absence Request/Verification Form (Sub line 707-962-7368)
- AQI in Fort Bragg
- CDPH Guidance for K-12 Schools
- FBUSD Employee Handbook
- FBUSD Employee Payroll Portal
- FBUSD Salary Schedules
- MCOE Air Quality Guidelines for Schools
- QR code for a digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccine record
- Bilingual Family Liaison referral form
- Submit an IT ticket
- Submit a ticket with the maintenance department
- FBUSD Employee Resource webpage
- DCEC folder
- DCEC Book List
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