FBUSD Staff Blog 4.28.23

FBUSD Mission FBUSD delivers exceptional, engaging, equitable, and collaborative learning opportunities for all students. FBUSD Vision Every student receives engaging and challenging learning experiences to reach their greatest potential and thrive in a diverse global society. News, Notes & Reminders... Spring has arrived in Fort Bragg! I am so happy we can get outside and enjoy nice weather again. I hope you all have a chance to get out this weekend and enjoy the beautiful place we live. This week, we thanked our bus drivers on Tuesday and our Administrative Support staff on Wednesday. The district will have an all staff appreciation week May 15-May 19. The board and administration will honor all of you and all that you do for our students. May is Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. For teacher resources, please click here. Here is a fascinating article about art and the human brain. We have added the Mendocino County Mental Health Crisi...