FBUSD Staff Blog 2.10.23


FFA Region Proficiency Winners

FBUSD Mission

FBUSD delivers exceptional, engaging, equitable,
and collaborative learning opportunities for all students.

FBUSD Vision Every student receives engaging and challenging learning experiences to reach their greatest potential and thrive in a diverse global society.

News, Notes & Reminders...

Harvest of the Month 
is PEAS!


Take your students on a virtual field trip to 
Noyo Food Forest - Learning Garden
at Fort Bragg High School to learn about these fun-to-eat tasty treats!  
Here is a link to a short video you can show your students:

(I find it works best if you download the video ahead of time)


This is a super easy harvest to use in your classroom.
If you would like some Peas to do taste test activities with your students please email me.

Here is the link to the Peas Educators' Newsletter & Curriculum: 

Thank you for supporting 
Nutrition Education and Local Agriculture!

If there is anything I can do to help you please let me know!

  • HR Notes from Suzie
  • If you have a change of address, phone number, emergency contact, etc., please contact Human Resources at 707 961-3502 or sgibson@fbusd.us.

  • W-2 tax forms were mailed to your address on file. If you did not receive it, please contact Irma Medina at 961-3500.
  • You can change your withholdings or other relevant information on the Escape Employee Portal
  • Intent to Return Google Form. A few employees still need to submit their Intent to Return form. Please use the links below.
  • Classified: https://forms.gle/qJKHWGycqdv7k9GVA

    Certificated: https://forms.gle/T2cGBWmrLaSprUQ19  

  • Credentialed Employee Reminder: Anytime there is a change with your credential, please notify Suzie. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing system does not have an auto-notification system.

  • The annual seniority lists have been sent out. However, if you still need to review and confirm your information, please do so at your earliest opportunity. The seniority roster and required Google form response links are below.

  •  Certificated Seniority Roster Certificated Seniority Google Form https://forms.gle/ApnYJsv8c9wZUHLVA    
    Classified Seniority Roster Classified Seniority Google Form https://forms.gle/kpWs64oC7MjL114QA

  • EL Notes from Tina

  • 988 Crisis and Suicide Lifeline has gone active nationwide. Anyone can call or text 988 to be connected with a mental health counselor trained to support crisis intervention for substance abuse, suicide, or other mental health needs. You can find out more about the Lifeline at this link
  • FBUSD Vacancies:  All internal job postings can now be found on the FBUSD Employee Resource webpage.  Click here to check out this resource.
  • FBUSD Rental List can be found here.

  • February 11- Board Governance Workshop
  • February 18- FFA 5K Fun Run at Glass Beach
  • February 20-24 February Break
  • March 2- College and Career Apparel Day
  • March 3- Symphony of the Redwoods "Peter and the Wolf" for K-5 at Cotton
  • March 4- Noyo High Students Playing at Golden One Center


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