August 7, 2022 FBUSD Staff Blog
FBUSD delivers exceptional, engaging, equitable,
and collaborative learning opportunities for all students.
FBUSD VISION Every student receives engaging and challenging learning experiences to reach their greatest potential and thrive in a diverse global society.
Welcome Back!
As we prepare for the start of school, I hope that each of you have had an opportunity to rest, reflect, and recharge over the break. A big shout out to all of our staff who have worked over the summer to ensure the schools are ready for our students and staff!
News, Notes & Reminders...
- COVID-19 Updates:
- Testing is available at the District Office from 7:30-8:30 AM and 3:15-4:15 PM each day. We also have at home test kits that will be available for employees starting on August 10 at sites and the District Office.
- Unvaccinated employees will need to continue to test weekly as we start this school year.
- Employees who have not received the available boosters are not fully vaccinated and will need to test weekly.
- As of now, student athletes will not have to test to participate in sports.
- We have a new, much simpler protocols chart for the start of the school year. The protocols can be accessed by clicking this link.
- An employee training presentation should be viewed by each employee prior to the start of school. The presentation can be accessed by clicking this link.
- The COVID Safety Plan draft is available for review. This plan can be accessed by clicking this link.
- Required Training Keenan Training modules are available in your account. The website can be found here.
- 988 Crisis and Suicide Lifeline has gone active nationwide. Anyone can call or text 988 to be connected with a mental health counselor trained to support crisis intervention for substance abuse, suicide, or other mental health needs. You can find out more about the Lifeline at this link.
- Kindergarten & TK Enrollment: If you know families who have not enrolled their children in kindergarten or transitional kindergarten (TK), please encourage them to visit Redwood or the District Office to begin that process. Our staffing is based on early enrollment projections so it's important that we get students enrolled as soon as possible so we can ensure we have the appropriate staffing. Thank you for your help!!
- Kindergarten Enrollment: Students must be 5 years old by September 1, 2022 to enroll in kindergarten for the 2022-23 school year.
- Transitional Kindergarten Enrollment: Students must turn 5 years old between September 2, 2022 - February 2, 2023 to enroll in TK for the 2022-23 school year.
- Instructional Assistant Training Opportunity: Kelly Smith, our AWESOME instructional consultant, will provide three professional learning opportunities for our instructional assistants. Training will focus on working with students effectively and reading support strategies. The dates and times are listed below. Please use this Google Form to sign-up to participate in this training. All instructional assistants who participate will be paid their hourly rate or you may earn DCEC hours towards DCEC credit.
- August 10 (1:00-3:00 PM)
- August 11 (8:00-10:00 AM)
- August 11 (10:00 AM-12:00 PM)
- Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP): FBUSD will receive state funds to operate an after school program open to all students in grades TK-6. We will begin building this program in the fall with the hope that it is fully operational by January 2023. In order to operate this program, our classrooms at Redwood, Dana Gray and FBMS will need to be shared with our after school team in order for us to provide a full ELOP. Please consider how you arrange and organize your classroom when you return in August. In addition to space, we will also need ideas and staffing. If you have an idea for the program, please share it with Joe. We will work to maximize our community partnerships in support of this program. Our students will reap the rewards of our efforts. Thank you for working together to prepare for ELOP. More information to come.
- FBUSD Vacancies: All internal job postings can now be found on the FBUSD Employee Resource webpage. Click here to check out this new resource.
- Got Rentals?? We have several new employees looking for rentals in Fort Bragg or within driving distance to our schools. If you know of any current rentals please email Suzie Gibson so we can include them in our ongoing rental list. (Click here to view rental list.)
- August 8 & 9- Bilingual Liaison Registration Assistance
- August 8- Redwood Registration Night 2-6 PM
- August 9 & 10 - New Teacher Boot Camp
- August 11 - Certificated Staff Return
- August 11- New Staff Meet and Greet 4:30 PM Room 306 FBHS
- August 11 - School Board Meeting
- August 15 - FBHS Back To School Fair
- August 15- TK/K Orientation 5:30 PM at Redwood
- August 17 - First Day of School
- August 22-24- TOSA Training with Kelly Smith
- August 23- Dana Gray Back to School Night
- August 25- Redwood and FBMS Back to School Fair
- Absence Request/Verification Form (Sub line 707-962-7368)
- AQI in Fort Bragg
- CDPH Guidance for K-12 Schools
- FBUSD Employee Handbook
- FBUSD Employee Payroll Portal
- FBUSD Salary Schedules
- MCOE Air Quality Guidelines for Schools
- QR code for a digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccine record
- Bilingual Family Liaison referral form
- Submit an IT ticket
- Submit a ticket with the maintenance department
- FBUSD Employee Resource webpage
- DCEC folder
- DCEC Book List
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